If you have a minor or self limiting illness please visit self care for advice, this may avoid an unnecessary consultation for a self limiting illness, and help the GP use their time more appropriately to see acute, chronic or complex patients.
You can access appropriate information from our self care page or from the self care forum website or ask advice from a local Pharmacist. There are fact sheets on the self care forum website for common minor ailments, giving advice for looking after yourself.
Referral to secondary care or community care
NHS England, BMA and N.A.P.P have provided a new patient information leaflet to explain what happens when a patient is referred to a specialist/consultant and what the process is with regards medication and fit to work notes when under the care of the specialist/consultant. See the link below:
Learn about what happens when you are referred (EXTERNAL PDF LINK)
Self Care Patient Information
My Life Warrington website gives information about what is available in Warrington for the following topics. Health and Wellbeing, Support for Carers and Child Care. Our Patient Advisors will use this site to help navigate you to services to give you extra support.
Self-care medicines
Health professionals in Warrington will no longer prescribe additional medications for short term minor health problems, unless there is a specialist clinical need or for certain other exemptions. This follows on from a public consultation.
Full list of self-care medicines
- Head lice treatments
- Treatments for infant colic
- Creams/ointments for nappy rash
- Threadworm treatments
- Treatment for vaginal thrush
- Haemorrhoids treatment
- Cough preparations
- Eye care products
- Probiotics
- Treatments for mild acne
- Dandruff and cradle cap treatments
- Baby milks (unless a clinical need for a specialist milk)
- Pain killers for minor aches and pains
- Tonics, vitamins and health supplements
- Ear wax removers
- Lozenges, throat sprays, mouthwashes, gargles and toothpastes
- Indigestion remedies for occasional use
- Creams for bruising, tattoos, and scars
- Hair removal creams
- Moisturisers and bath additives for dry skin
- Sun creams
- Foods and food supplements
- Pain relief cream/ointment for short-term use
- Oral antihistamines for hayfever
- Decongestant nasal sprays
- and tablets
- Teething gels and mouth ulcer treatments
- Vaginal moisturisers
- Warts and verrucae paints
- Heparinoid gel/cream
- Antiperspirants